Noble Metal Sensors

Noble Metal Industrial thermocouple assemblies (Type B, R, S, C, F) are designed to be used in the most severe and demanding environments. The choice of a specific style is to a large degree determined by the temperature working range, ambient atmospheric or media conditions, as well as the size and shape required for the application. Control requirements such as accuracy and speed of response may also be considerations.

Noble Straight Ceramic Tube

Heat treating, forging or annealing. Ceramics and glass industry, semi-conductor manufacturing and research laboratories.

Dual Tube, Ceramic in Ceramic

Heat treating, forging or annealing. Ceramics and glass industry, semi-conductor manufacturing and research laboratories.

Dual Tube, Ceramic in Inconel

Furnace, kilns, or where protection tube is subject to thermal or mechanical shock.

Dual or Triple Tube

Molten non-ferous metals, brick kilns, ceramic kilns, incinerators and wherever sensor is exposed to flames or hot gasses.

Noble Metal Elements

The hight temperature elements consist of standardized and matched wires, individually checked. The positive lead of an insulated element is identified with a color glass bead.

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